Check out the blog for helpful tips on ways to attract clients, streamline your services, transition to an entrepreneur, and more.


I also share my lessons learned and highlights from my WFA adventures.

All blogs are "human written" from concept to publication by Patrice Davis.

How to Build A Multi-Six-Figure Consulting Business

Learn my story and how you can start creating your own work from anywhere consulting business.

Evaluating and Eliminating Consulting Services clients consulting consulting firm consulting services freelance freelancer independent consultant

I now realize that when I first started Grants Works my company’s services were an extension of the work I performed when I was an employee. 

It wasn’t until about one year in business that I realized I did what many business strategists tell us to avoid--creating another job for...

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Writing A Proposal That Sells, Wins Clients, Does Double Duty and Beats Your Sales Goals become a consultant business proposal business sales consulting consulting sales consulting services freelance business proposal sales call

A proposal is a document that is designed to convince a company to buy a product or service.  There are proposals we prepare to respond to a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP is typically created to attract bids from vendors, tends to be prescriptive and includes detailed information...

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